Bestow Beauty Oil

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Bestow Beauty Oil offers a nourishing blend of cold-pressed organic flax seed and safflower oil and has been specifically formulated to deliver the best balance of healthy fats for clear, glowing skin.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) deficiency is one of the most common causes of most skin problems. Because EFA’s are responsible for oil regulation, a deficiency can present as either oily or dry skin and will contribute to premature ageing. Bestow Beauty Oil is rich in Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) which provide health and radiance from deep within the skin’s layers.

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For Best Results
Take one tablespoon of Bestow Beauty Plus Oil every day, mixed into food.
Smoothies, yoghurts and salads are the easiest way to get your daily dose of this Beauty Plus Oil.
Store your Bestow Oil in the fridge and never use for cooking or adding to piping hot food.